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Admin Tabs

ADMIN TABS Site admins can organize and sort modules to their preference by creating up to 6 tabs with a 12-character limit. Once the tabs have been created, modules can be sorted within each tab.

This is especially helpful to Webmasters who focus on a few particular modules.

To Edit the Admin Area Tab titles:

To Add additional Admin Area tabs:
Additional tabs are available to admins with 2 or more modules. 

To Add Modules to Tabs:



Administrators contribute to the maintenance of the website. Webmasters are defined as those who have access to all areas of the site but may not be responsible for all areas.

Maintaining a site can be overwhelming. Decentralizing the maintenance is an important factor in avoiding a bottleneck of updates and keeping the site current and fresh. Webmasters can restrict an administrator down to a single page.

Adding a New Administrator:

Site Content:

Calendar Approval System

To Setup Approval System for Administrator:

Note: Specific approvers must be setup per administrator unless a webmaster will be granting all approval.

When Administrator Adds/Edits Events:
Note: The event will display on the site in its original format (if being edited) until an approver or webmaster approves any changes. An administrator will only be able to delete an event if he/she created it.

To Approve Changes to an Event in the Admin Area:

Note: Changes made by administrator needing approval will not display on the website until an approver accepts them.

To Approve Changes to an Event via an email link:


When creating new administrator accounts for the website, you can setup a defined Role with specific rights then assign the admin to that particular role.

For example, a Site Admin Role may have rights to pages, news, calendar events, filing cabinet, forms and staff directory for their location.

To create an Admin Role:

To assign an Admin Role to a site admin, click on Add Administrator, enter in name, password, email, location and select the appropriate role. Hit Continue.  All the rights assigned to that particular role will be selected and can be edited if necessary.

To edit an Admin Role:


Editing an Administrator:

To Deactivate an Administrator:

To Delete an Administrator:

Other Options:

Login As - This button allows you to login and test an administrator's rights.  Use it to ensure that rights are setup properly and to help admins troubleshoot any questions or issues.

Content/Site Paragraphs - Quickly see and change which site content sections administrator has access to. Restrict admins to particular Site Paragraphs.

Login History - Click blue date link to view history of each time administrator has logged in.  Date, time, and IP address all display.

Recent Logins - Click this link to see all of the latest logins, including the administrator who logged in and the date and time the login occurred.

Find User with Right - admins with a certain right can be emailed as a group. Under Edit Administrators, click on find users with certain right. Select the right(s) and hit Continue. The ability to email the group of people is an option.

Give Users Right - easily give admins a particular right. Choose the right, or rights to be added to all or selected users, then click Continue. Note: content rights can not be given to all users.

Show All Users - list view of all admin users.

Email Administrators - Use this link to send an email message to all administrators at a particular location.  For example, you may wish to alert them to upcoming server maintenance periods or to any new tips you've learned about using the site. Passwords can also be emailed to them en masse.

View Admin Email History - view past email communications to admins.



The banners module allows you to post a clickable image on subpages of the site. This provides a great way to advertise an upcoming event, direct visitors to a specific page, or link to a sponsor's website. 


The Banner module can be used as a marketing tool to help encourage visitors to access certain pages of the site. The banner clicks section allows you to see how effective the banner has been.

Use the month and year drop down menus to select what time range you'd like to view clicks for.

Views - The number of times the banner was viewed

Clicks - The number of times the banner was actually clicked on

Click % - The percentage of time the banner was viewed and then clicked on


Note: To fully delete a banner, scroll to the bottom of the edit screen and check the red checkbox. Then click Save.



The BloggIt Module improves communication and effectiveness by providing a forum for sharing ideas, activities, suggestions, and other pertinent professional topics.

To add a Blog:

To link to an existing Blog:

You can link to a page that displays all active blogs for your site using blog.cfm as the URL.  To link to a specific blog follow the steps below.

Note:  You can decide where you'd like the link to your blog to display on the website.  For example, it can be a Quick Link on the homepage, a Home Page Banner, a GoTo subpage, a related link on a typical webpage, etc.

To edit a Blog:

To add a posting to an existing Blog:

Sorting your Blogs:

To View/Authorize Comments:

To Delete Comments in a Blog:

Board Members


This module displays the board members in a nice, organized format with ruled lines in between each board member. Information such as address, phone, term ends, bio can be included on each member. First & Last Name are the only required fields, the rest are optional.

Adding a Board Member:


Editing a Board Member:

To change the Sort Order in which the Board Members appear:




Adding a Calendar Event:

Follow the form to complete the information necessary for the calendar.

Once you hit Save, you'll notice a tab system appear at the top of the form - allowing you to add images, files, links, recurring dates or facilities usage (if applicable).

Tip: If you do include a picture, be sure to enter a caption. For example, the image name may be bigBlueMarbleEarth.jpg but you want the text of the picture to read “The Blue Marble.” That is a friendly image name. This goes for files too!

iCal Subscribe: Once you add a calendar event, you will need to republish your iCal file so users that have subscribed to your calendar receive the update to the calendar. Please note that if you are adding multiple events, you can republish your iCal file after you have added all of your events).

Extra Module: If you also have the Facility Manager Module, you can request Facility Usage via the Calendar module.

The system will display any conflicts for the requested date(s) and time(s).

Upload Multiple Events via a CSV file:

  1. Click on Add Event.
  2. Click on Import events from a CSV file.
  3. The next couple of pages will allow you to upload your calendar events to the database in a few simple steps. While there are several data fields available to you, you do not need to use all of them. Category ID is required and Location is recommended if your site has multiple locations (see below for ID numbers). A few things to keep in mind before uploading your file:
    • File format to upload MUST be .CSV
    • Eliminate all commas from the file data
    • To update event locations and categories:
      • Replace the category with the ID value from below.
      • Replace the location with the ID value from below.
      • Up to 3 separate locations can be assigned to an event.
  4. There are 2 Time options - you can use exact start and end times (separate fields used in iCal download) or a single time range (i.e. TBD, Noon).
  5. When file is ready for upload, click BROWSE, select file and then click the "Step 2 of 5" button.
  6. Select the database fields you wish to populate with the file data. Column names that match exactly are pre-selected. Any field that is not matched up - will not be uploaded. From the drop down menu, select "TheTime" if your file contains a single time range (i.e.TBD, Noon or TBA). Hit 'Step 3 of 5' button. Note: The database field CategoryID MUST be matched to a field in the file.
  7. If all the data looks correct - click "Step 4 of 5" below to upload data to the database. TheID column is for internal use only. Note: Records highlighted in RED contain bad data and need to be fixed before uploading.
  8. Everything looks good. The system is ready to add 326 new records. Please complete (import) the process by hitting the 'Finish Upload' button below.


CALENDAR – calendar_events.cfm


The calendar section is organized by categories. The first step in using the online calendar tool is creating the categories under which actual events will be posted. The categories can be anything you designate – holidays, meetings, conferences, building event, etc.  


The calendar of events will display with the category of the event and the event title. All other information entered with the event (images, files, links, etc.) will be available as a popup for parents, students and community members.



Creating Calendar Categories:

  • Click on Calendar Categories.
  • Type in the Category in the text field. If you'd like an option for no category when adding events, enter No Category in the textbox.
  • Choose the Color for the calendar category as you'd like it to appear on the public site.
  • Internal Only - if the district has purchased the EduCenter module, select the Internal Only checkbox next to the appropriate category(ies). When adding an event, you will select the internal category for the EduCenter calendar.
  • Hit Save.

Special Note: The Sort order to the left of the category names determines the order that the categories display for the public on your District calendar.


What is a Cycle Day?

Some schools have a system of different schedule days during the week.  For example, Monday is A day, Tuesday is B day, Wednesday is A day, etc.  The Cycle Days feature was designed with this scheduling in mind.

It allows you to enter in a letter, number, or word that will appear in bold type on the monthly view of the calendar.

Cycle Days is location specific. If there are schools with different cycle days, each school can have their own set of days. On the front end calendar view, the cycle days will appear on individual school calendars, however, for the overall district calendar or customized calendar with 2 or more locations, the cycle days will not display.

The same set of cycle days can appear on all calendars if the location selected is All Locations.

How to enter Cycle Days:

Tip:  You can make use of the Cycle Days module even if your school does not have different schedule days.  Some clients use the feature to draw attention to special Assembly days or Holidays.


Editing a Calendar Event:

On Website - Yes or No field

Events can be set to display or not display on the public website.  For the events set to No, there is an option to easily view these events in a monthly calendar format and bulk edit them to public from the admin area.  An example would be adding events for the next year set to No and then bulk changing them to Yes 'public' over the summer. 

Delete Event: To delete an event entry, click on the Delete tab, select the Yes radio button and hit Delete.

Cancel Event: Click on the Delete tab and select the link for canceling. Choose the OK button.

Find Event - easily find an event by clicking on Edit Event and then on the Find Event link next to Download Data. Please note: this is only available to Webmasters.

Sort Events - events in a particular day can be sorted.

The events will appear in the order you selected on the front end calendar view for that particular date. Categories can be sorted via the Categories link.

iCal Subscribe: Once you add a calendar event, you will need to republish your iCal file so users that have subscribed to your calendar receive the update. Please note that if you are adding multiple events, you can republish your iCal file after you have added all of your events).

Clean up old data - Please help us keep your site and database up-to-date. This area lists old calendar events (2 years or older) that could be deleted from your database. Deleting them may help reduce the overall storage level and speed up certain result sets.


DIRECTIONS The driving directions component is designed to provide site visitors with easy-to-access directions to all events, including sporting events at opponent venues.

Adding New Locations:

Editing Existing Locations:

Enhanced Directions:

The Enhanced Driving Directions will allow you to display a Google map and directions on your directions.cfm webpage. They will display in conjunction with your custom driving directions and uploaded map(s). The first step is to sign up with Google as per instructions below:

  1. Read and agree to the terms and conditions.
  2. Then follow the directions for Obtaining an API Key:
  3. Visit the API Console
  4. Click on Services and activate the Google Maps API. Click on API Access and copy your API key.
  5. Enter in the Default City.
  6. Enter in the Default State.
  7. Enter in the Default Zip Code.
  8. Hit Save.



A "Doorway" is a virtual directory. In many cases, pages that are created within the website have a lengthy URL - such as  

A Doorway allows a site administrator to create an easier name by which the same pages can be accessed. For instance, in the example above that includes:   - a doorway could be created to read

Adding a Doorway:


To edit a Doorway:

Please note: To delete a Doorway, simply go to Edit Doorway, click on the edit button next to the Doorway you'd like to delete then click on the box stating 'check here to delete this directory'. Click Submit.

Email Center


When visitors choose to add themselves to your email communications list, they are automatically added to the database. However, there are times when you may need to add an email address manually to the database.

To add an email record:

To add multiple email addresses in bulk:


The Email Center is a communication system organized by categories and subcategories. The first step in setting up the Email Center is to create the categories.

Subcategories can be added to any main Category. Subscribers can opt-in to any subcategory or for the entire main category.

To add a Subcategory:

An existing main category can be moved to a subcategory by clicking on the move existing category as sub link (located in the add subcategory area).

Deleting a Category:

The system will display the number of email records associated with the category that will also be deleted upon confirmation. To proceed with deletion of category and all associated email records, click on the Delete button.

Please note: email records associated with more than one category will not be removed from the other assigned categories - only the category being deleted.

ID Number - Categories and subcategories are assigned an ID number. A Quick Link or goto page can be created to link directly to a specific list category or subcategory.

Under the column titled ID, click on the ID link to view the front end page. Copy the URL, for example, emailsignup.cfm?CategoryID=3 and paste it into a Quick Link field or goto page.

On the front end, visitors will be directed to the specific category with an option to view all lists.

Creating Main Categories from existing Subcategories -  easily move existing subcategories (and all subscribers in the subcategory) to the Main Category level.


Although a central site administrator will handle the creation of the categories for the Email Center, each category can have a designated manager to maintain the list for their group. This allows groups to control their own email lists and also to use the website to send out “email communications” to only their respective lists.

To establish Category Owners:

  1. Click on Category Owners.

  2. Click on the Edit link in the Owners column next to the appropriate category.

  3. On the next screen, select the individuals who will manage the category. This list pulls in the Administrators that have been setup for the site.

  4. If the person needs approval before sending out any communications, select the Needs Approval box. 

  5. Scroll down and hit Save.

  6. To select the approvers, click on the edit link next to the category. Then click on the Select Approvers link under the owners name.

  7. Check off the approvers. Note: admins requiring approval will not see the list of subscribers on step 4 for security reasons.

  8. Hit Save.

EDIT EMAIL RECORDS To update an email record:
  1. Click on Edit Email Records.
  2. You can either search by Last Name, Email Address, or Category list.
  3. Click on the email record you want to edit.
  4. Make the appropriate changes.
  5. Hit Save.
  6. Please note: to add additional categories to an existing account, click on edit email address.

The Edit Email Records area also allows you to view the monthly signup data by clicking on the Signup Data link. You can also download the data in a comma, delimited format by clicking on the Download Data link.

Subscribers - can edit their information and category selection on the email signup page via the existing record link. This allows subscribers to request an email from the system with a link to their original signup information. They can then edit their subscription information or unsubscribe, without needing to receive a communication from the district.

To Bulk Delete Email Records

The system allows for the bulk deletion of email records that are associated with one specific category by deleting the category itself.
Please note: email records associated with more than one category will not be removed from the other assigned categories - only the category being deleted.

To Move an Email Category

You can move a current Email Category to a sub category.


In this area, you can control the From Email Address field, sort the addresses and add new ones. Click on From Addresses.

Under Email Defaults - Options, select Yes or No for the email address to show in the From field. Hit Save.

Re-sort the order in the Prepare Email Step 2 drop down menu by editing the sort number, hit Save when finished. Webmasters control the 4 options for no reply, info, user-self reply and own admin address. Site admins locked down to a location will only see email addresses for their particular location.

Additional Email Addresses
Add other email address options to the From Address menu by entering in the text field, select the Location and hit Save.


To view a history of the emails that have been sent, click on History. On this screen, you can view your personal emails as well as the date and category they were sent, the number of people each was sent to and whether or not the communication was completed. If the email had any clickable items such as links or files, you can track number of clicks in this area.


There are 4 steps involved in preparing an email communication.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

  • Final confirmation - check to make sure your subject line, email message, and optional file or link attachments are correct. Click on Edit Email Message Info or Edit File References to make any updates before sending.
  • To view the database you're emailing to, click on View People.
  • Track Clicks - select this checkbox to enable the system to log any click from this specific email. Details will be in the email history report.
  • Add additional email addresses to communication (optional).
  • If all is correct, hit Send Message.

TEMPLATES You can customize the footers for each template as well as the template name. 

Please Note: additional templates can be created and can be category specific or even holiday or season themes. Contact support for more information.

Facilities Manager


Once the structure for the facility category and type is setup, you'll want to add the facilities.

 To Add a Facility:


Facility usage requests can be made in the admin area, in the EduCenter or on the public site. Please inform support which areas should display the request form.

Add Facility Usage via admin area:


To Edit a Facility:

You can also edit the Hours of Operation for all, one or multiple facilities in this area.

  • Click on the hrs (Hours of Operation) link, enter in the open and closed dates and times, hit Save.
  • To enter in district-wide facility closings or multiple facility closings, click on Edit Facility then on Maintain Facility-Wide or Category-Wide Closing Dates link.

To Delete a Facility:


Edit Facility Usage:


The Facilities Manager module organizes every aspect of your facility rentals including prioritizing usage and creating automated responses for reminder notes, rules, and room capacity. It also has the functionality to position your school as a community resource by allowing the public to request, reserve, and pay for facility-related rentals online.

The first step is to setup the Facility Categories and Facility Types.

Facility Categories:

Site Paragraphs:

There are 4 site paragraphs for the Facilities Management module:

  1. Facility Group Registration displays on the group registration page.
  2. Facility Request Intro displays on the first screen for facility requests.
  3. Facility Review Info is the screen when staff review their usage request before clicking on Request Facility for final submission.
  4. Facility Successful Request is the screen that displays when a facility request was successful.


Facility Groups - this area will allow you to add outside groups who request and utilize the facilities. Insurance information can be added; notifying you of expirations and denying them the ability to make requests.

To setup the Facility Groups:

To edit a Facility Group:


Staff can request facilities via a secure, online form by following these steps:

  1. Staff would login to a secure area. The URL will be provided to you by support.
  2. Staff would click on the Facility Request Form link.
  3. They can view the usage calendar or enter in the desired activity date(s), facility and times to check availability.
  4. If the facility is available, the system will display a status of Available. If there is a conflict, the system will display a status of NOT Available.
    • If available status, staff can continue on with the form by entering in Activity Name, type, description, and setup details. The fields in bold are required. If you'd like the setup details field to be required for staff, please notify support as this is an option.
    • If not available status, staff will need to go back and enter in a different date and time. They should refer to the usage calendar to see what is already booked.
  5. The staff requests will appear in the admin area under Facility Usage.
  6. Facility requests are pending until approved. Click on the hyperlink for new requests, then on the edit usage link. If approved, set status to Approved and hit Save.

Site paragraphs are available for:


Facility Usage

To view a facility usage report:



The Feedback System is tied to the Contact Us area on the front end of your website. Once a site visitor has filled out the Contact Us form and hits Submit, the submission will show up in this area. 

Under Contacts-Feedback in the Admin area, the system will total the number of new inquiries. 

Bulk change feedback statuses - to change the status of feedback items in bulk:

Track Blocked IP Addresses - you can now track blocked IP addresses via the Feedback area. There is a 'click here' link to maintain the blocked IP list.

Download Feedback

View Feedback History


The Guestbook feature can be used for alumni, community members or students to post comments or questions on your website.

The Guestbook needs to be added to the site in order for people to access it. Add a goto page or Quick Link using the URL - guestbook.cfm

All postings need approval before they're viewable on the site. The admin area will display the number of postings needing approval which you can access by clicking on the link.

You also have the ability to edit any of the comments by clicking on the edit-add comment link.

If the posting is approved, simply select the On Site radio button and hit Save. It will automatically appear on the public site.

Filing Cabinet



The Filing Cabinet is a central repository for public documents and cannot be password protected. It is organized by categories. The first step to posting documents is to create categories for the files. The categories can be anything you designate. Most file types can be uploaded to the Filing Cabinet - audio, video, document and presentation files.

Adding a File:

Referencing a Document to a webpage:

Important Note:  Referencing files from the Filing Cabinet is a TIMESAVER!! If a file is changed in the Filing Cabinet, the newest version will be reflected on all pages that reference that file.


Adding File Categories within the File Cabinet:

Please note: Webmasters have the ability to mass-assign sub categories to all or specific main categories via the Edit File Categories link. For example, quickly add a "Media Center Files" sub category to each main school category in the filing cabinet.


Editing a File in the Filing Cabinet:

Sorting Files:

Deleting a File:

Special Note: When a change is made to a Filing Cabinet file that is referenced on other areas of the site, the changes are immediately reflected on all areas referencing the file.

Find File - Webmasters can search for files in the filing cabinet by name. Click on 'Edit File' in the admin area and then click on the Looking for File link in the upper right corner of the page. Enter in any part of the file name and hit Find.

Move Files to Another Category
Groups of files can be moved to another category(ies). Under Edit File, click on the subcategory, then on prepare to MOVE. Select the files to move and the new category(ies). Hit Move.

File Diagnostics (only sites older than October 2009 will see this area)
Prior to October 2009, the Filing Cabinet allowed overwriting of file names with the same name. This caused issues since many people could use the same file names for different files (example: JuneNewsletter.pdf). Any files that were overwritten will display when the Run Check is clicked. To delete the overwritten files, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Check All link and then click Delete Records

Orphaned Files
Click on Run File Check to display any files that are no longer in the Filing Cabinet and not being used on the front end of the site. These files can be deleted by clicking on the Check All link at the bottom of the page and then clicking on Delete Files.


Editing File Categories:

Sorting File Categories:

  • Click on Edit File Categories.
  • Enter the order you wish the categories to display to the left of the category name.
  • Click the Save button after each/all changes are made.

Category ID:


Each category and subcategory is assigned an ID number so you can create a goto page or Quick Link directly to a particular category.

  • Click on the ID link to the right of the category. The system will take you to the front end URL. Copy the URL and paste into a Quick Link or goto page.


Deleting File Categories:

Form Creator


The Form Creator tool allows easy creation of an online form, including the name of the form, form purpose/description as well as options to password-protect the access or schedule the form to appear/disappear from the site. Forms can be created with an unlimited number of questions and each question has the following options:

Once the questions in the form are created, the form URL is generated and can be easily linked to any area of the site for submissions to begin. Visitors to the site can submit their responses and responses are tracked in the secure admin area of the website including the computer ID and IP address of the respondent. Visitors can also select to have their completed submission emailed to themselves. Once they have completed the form, a link will display for Email Info? and they can enter in their email address.

When choosing an answer type, the "Short Answer" type will provide the visitor with a small text box limiting them to 50 character (of type), a medium answer will allow for 255 characters, and a long answer will provide a box for a free text area (no limit). Choosing "Information Only" will provide the visitor with information or instructions regarding the questions. File Upload allows the visitor to upload a file.

To Add a Form:

When you duplicate a form, the dates and times of the appt. scheduling can be carried over to the new form if the dates are in the future. There is a checkbox to select to include dates when duplicating a form. 

Note: See Edit Form section for specific instructions on copying existing limits from one form to a new form.

Add Default Forms

A bank of common forms is available for you to choose, personalize and add to your site.

E-commerce thru the Form Creator

If you have purchased the LivePay module, you can also use the Form Creator to accept online payments.

The questions being asked must be set up properly in order for them to be part of a total - they must be a MULTIPLE CHOICE (user selects one answer ony) and the question Must be Required.

Also make sure you enter a dollar amount as the choices (with or without a dollar sign) at the beginning of the answer choice.


Adding a Form Category

  1. Click on Categories under Form Creator.
  2. Enter the category name in the text box. 
  3. The description field is optional.
  4. Click Save.

Linking to a Form Category

Follow these instructions if you'd like to link a page that displays a specific category of forms (e.g. only Technology forms).

  1. First go through the steps to add your categories.
  2. Click on the Categories link.
  3. Click on the blue ID link to the left of the category you wish to link to. 
  4. Copy the end portion of the URL from the front end of the site.  This will be your link to use. 

(e.g. forms.cfm?CategoryID=4)


Q: How can I allow other administrators to access a form I have created?

A: There are 3 options to giving other administrators access to form data.

Option 1: Grant access to a particular form. You will want to go into Form Creator, Edit Form.  You will see below the name of the form is your name and next to that you have three choices: add others, duplicate, and test.  Select add others and you will have the option to add three other administrators to a specific form.  Hit Save.

Option 2: Location-based rights. If you'd like a site admin restricted to a particular location to have access to all forms in that location, their rights should be set to All Forms (location limited) via Edit Administrators.

Option 3: Forms Master. If you'd like a site admin to have access to ALL forms in the Form Creator, their rights should be set to All Forms (no restrictions) via Edit Administrators.

Q: Why aren't other administrators seeing the forms I setup?

A: If the creator of the form would like another administrator to be able to edit and view their form, they would need to add them as an owner under the 'add others' link. See above for steps to add administrators. You can also grant more form rights via the options above.

Q: When a submitter clicks on the View Submission link to review their details, why are they getting the following message - Sorry, this URL is no longer valid

A: Once 5 minutes has elapsed, the message will appear due to security measures. The View Submission link will display the details within the 5 minute timeframe.


In this area, you can:

To Edit a Form:

View Submissions:

To Duplicate a Form:

To Duplicate Existing Limits from one Form to Another:

To Test a Form:

To test the form without adding results to the submissions, click on the Test link.

Form Ownership:

Each form can have up to four 'managers' (including the original creator) who can view submissions or edit the form. When you click on the hyperlink to 'add others', you can also select three more site admins.

Form ID Numbers:

Each form has a unique ID number; giving you the ability to create a goto page, Quick Link or embedded link on a page.

Sort Forms:

Forms can now be sorted so that the order in the admin area is reflected on the front of the site.


To view the individual results of a form:

To view the group aggregates:

To Download the submission data:

Mass deletion of submissions can be deleted from a form without deleting the entire form. To delete submissions, click on Edit Form, select the appropriate form, and click on the Delete tab. When you click on the Delete tab, there are two options:

1. Delete All Submissions Only - Leave form questions intact

2. Delete All Submissions and Entire Form

Select the option 1 radio button, enter in the security code and click on Delete.

Help Desk (Tech Help)


To setup the Tech Help categories and subcategories:

To edit a category or subcategory:

To delete a category and its subcategories:


To manually enter in a Tech Help Request:

Please note:  More activation dates and recurring dates can be added on the bottom of the form.

Once the request has been added, the following features are available:


The Help Desk Module relieves maintenance and technical staff from paperwork, freeing up their time to address requests.

The Tech Help Problems area allows you to view and edit any open, denied, in progress, completed, hold or future order.

Search for an order:

You can search for an order by status, location, technician, month and year. Select from the drop downs and hit Show.  

Note: Open records ignore year criteria.  An advanced search feature is also available by clicking the Advanced Search link for more options.

Print multiple orders:

Change Status:

You can change the status of orders all at one time.

Assign Tech Help Requests to Technicians en masse:

You can assign multiple orders to a technician.

Edit an order:

To view or edit an individual order, click on the details link. In this area, you can update the status, assign a priority level and technician as well as update the category, and attach up to 3 files and/or links. Comments for staff view or internal only can be added here also. Hit Save when finished.

Email Technicians:

You can select to email technicians on a work order as well as other people. Click on the 'click here to send additional emails link under Lead Technician in a work order. Multiple requests can be assigned to a technician and an email can be sent to the technician about the multiple requests.

Internal comments box - Given the Problems page has the ability to assign several requests at once, any comments entered in the internal comments box will be added to ALL requests that are assigned (as opposed to the internal box on the request details page).

To add hours to the order, click on the Hours tab. Enter in the time and whether it's regular or overtime. Hit Save.

To print the individual order, click on the Review or Worksheet tab.

Billing tab - You can add up to 4 descriptions, budget codes and amounts at a time. A new report has also been created called Billing by Location.

To delete an order, click on the Delete tab.


Available reports:

  1. Billing By Location Report - Amount Billed By Location
  2. Hours By Category Report - Hours Reported By Category
  3. Hours By Location Report - Hours Reported by Location
  4. Hours By Technician Report - Hours Reported By Technician
  5. Status Report - List of requests, by status. Displays ticket close date for the completed status. Sort by technician is an option.

If you do not see a report that meets your needs, please contact support.


To add Rooms to a location:

These will appear in a drop down menu on the Tech Help form for staff.

Rooms can be set to inactive status which will prevent reservations. This is helpful if the room is under construction or temporarily unavailable.

To set the inactive status:


Assigning Staff Member Passwords:

Please Note: These passwords may be used for various applications (including TeacherSites, EduCenter (Intranet), Professional Development, Help Desk) - please do not change unless you notify the staff member.


When setting up the Help Desk (Tech Help) system, you'll want to first indicate the technicians. The list pulls from the Staff Directory, therefore, if you do not see a name, you must first add them to the Staff Directory module.


To setup vehicle usage for tech help problems:

Help Desk (Work Order)


To setup the Work Order categories and subcategories:

To edit a category or subcategory:

To delete a category and its subs:


To manually enter in a Work Order Request:

Please note:  More activation dates and recurring dates can be added on the bottom of the form.

Once the request has been added, the following features are available:


The Issues area allows you to view and edit any open, denied, in progress, completed, hold or future order.

Search for an order:

You can search for an order by status, location, maintenance staff, month and year. Select from the drop downs and hit Show.  An advanced search feature is also available by clicking the Advanced Search link for more options.

Note: Open records ignore year criteria.  

Print multiple work order requests:

Change Status:

You can change the status of orders all at one time.

Assign Work Order Requests to Maintenance Staff en masse:

You can assign multiple orders to maintenance staff.

Edit an order:

To view or edit an individual order, click on the details link. In this area, you can update the status, assign a priority level and technician as well as update the category. Comments for staff view or internal only can be added here also. Hit Save when finished.

Email Maintenance Staff

You can select to email maintenance staff on a work order as well as other people. Click on the 'click here to send additional emails link under Lead Technician in a work order. Multiple requests can be assigned to a technician and an email can be sent to the technician about the multiple requests.

Hours tab - to add hours to the order, click on the Hours tab. Enter in the time and whether it's regular or overtime. Hit Save.

Vehicles tab - select the vehicle, enter in the miles driven and date. Hit Save.

Billing tab - You can add up to 4 descriptions, budget codes and amounts at a time. A new report has also been created called Billing by Location.

Worksheet/Review tab - to print the individual order, click on the Review or Worksheet tab.

To delete an order, click on the Delete tab.


When setting up the Work Order system, you'll want to first indicate the maintenance staff. The list pulls from the Staff Directory, therefore, if you do not see a name, you must first add them to the Staff Directory module via Add Staff.


Available reports:

  1. Billing By Location Report - Amount Billed By Location
  2. Hours By Category Report - Hours Reported By Category
  3. Hours By Location Report - Hours Reported by Location
  4. Hours By Technician Report - Hours Reported By Technician
  5. Status Report - List of requests, by status
  6. Vehicle Mileage Report - Miles Driven per Vehicle

If you do not see a report that meets your needs, please contact support.


Adding Rooms

Rooms can be set to inactive status which will prevent reservations. This is helpful if the room is under construction or temporarily unavailable.

To set the inactive status:


To setup the vehicles used for the work orders:

Home Page Banners



The home page banner module allows you to put a graphic on your home page and link it to a URL. It is a nice solution for placing banners to social networking sites, ENews sign up, Kindergarten registrations, etc.

The placement of the banners depends on your design template. A bank of default graphics is available for you use or you can upload your own custom graphic.

Add a home page banner:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link in the admin area.
  2. Title - Enter in a Title for the home page banner (optional). This will not display on the front end but will help in organizing/editing the banner in the admin area.
  3. Link to URL - Enter in a URL for the banner to link to. Note: this can link to an internal page or an external website.
  4. Image - Choose from one of the default banner choices by clicking on 'Use this link to add a Default Banner' link or upload your own image by clicking the Browse button. Please note the recommended sizing listed above the field.
  5. Start/Stop Showing - Use the Start Showing and Stop Showing fields to determine when it will be accessible. The Stop Showing field is optional.
  6. Page Location - select the column the banner should display in (only available for certain template designs).
  7. Click Save
  8. Banner Locations - upon hitting save, you can select which location(s) the home page banner applies to, if applicable.
  9. Hit Save.

Edit a home page banner:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link in the admin area.
  2. Click on the link - edit existing.
  3. Select the edit link under the banner you would like to edit. 
  4. Make your edits. 
  5. Hit Save.

To sort home page banners:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link.
  2. Select the sort existing link. 
  3. In the sort column, enter the number of the order you wish the home page banners to display. Entering in 0 for all will sort alphabetically. Integers can be entered such as 1.1 or 3.1.
  4. Hit Sort when finished.

To delete a home page banner:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link in the admin area.
  2. Click on the link - edit existing.
  3. Select the edit link under the banner you would like to delete. 
  4. Select the checkbox next to Delete Banner. 
  5. Hit Delete.
  6. Please note: deleted banners cannot be recovered.



All LivePay products can be organized by category.  This makes it easier for visitors to find a specific item to purchase.

To Setup Categories:

  1. Click Categories under the Products module.
  2. Type the category in the textbox  (Examples include:  Clothing, Accessories, Tickets).
  3. Click Save.
  4. Use the description/password/image link to add information about the category, password protect it from public viewing, or upload a product image that visitors will see on the front end of the site.
  5. Click on the blue link under Sub Cats to further organize into sub-categories.
  6. The Sort field allows you to change the order that Categories appear in on the front end of the site.


The Product Defaults section allows you to adjust many settings for the LivePay module.

Setup Options tab

  1. Select between No Shipping and Handling, dollar amount Per Product, or dollar amount Per Order.  You can also use the Free Shipping Option for products over a specific dollar amount.
  2. Select between No tax and percentage amount Per Order.
  3. Enable Product Quantity Check, select Yes if you want products to only show on the site if there are more than 0 in quantity available. You can set the quantity available for each product.
  4. Display Quantity Left, select Yes if you want the user to see the number of products left.
  5. Limit Order to Quantity Left, select Yes if you want visitors to only be able to order up to the amount of the product left.
  6. Use the checkboxes to determine which credit card(s) you accept.
  7. Click Save.

Order Info tab

  1. Use the FROM Email Address field to provide a 'from address' that visitors will see in the email confirmation. This address will also be copied in on the notification email.
  2. Enter an additional email address that should be blind copied in on all emails.
  3. Use the Order Question Options field to include up to three additional questions that visitors will need to complete after the standard contact information questions. 

Price Changes tab

This option allows you to provide a discount or price increase for all products in a specific category. For example, you may wish to offer a 10% discount on all clothing products during a special time of year.

  1. Select All Categories or one specific category.
  2. Use the Add or Subtract drop-down to determine the type of price change.
  3. Use the Percentage drop-down to select the necessary amount of price change. 

Discount Codes tab

This option allows you to setup promotional codes that specific visitors can use to receive a discount at checkout.

  1. Use the textbox to enter in the promotional code. For example: MISC135
  2. Use the drop-down field to select the percentage off.
  3. The discount will be applied to the full offer at the time of checkout.


The Product Orders section keeps an archive of all items that have been purchased.

To View Order Information:

  1. Click Product Orders.
  2. The default view displays New orders.
  3. Use the Month, Year, and Status drop-down menus to search through all orders.
  4. Click Show to display results.
  5. Use the blue download data link to export information to Excel.
  6. Click on the blue order number link to view details for a specific order.
  7. Use the Status drop-down to change the status of the order.
  8. Use the textbox to enter in Internal Order Comments that can only be seen in the admin area.
  9. Use the blue print order link to print order details.
To Mass Change the Status of Orders:
  1. Click Product Orders.
  2. Use the Status drop-down menu to select which status you would like to change.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link for Change All Pending/New Statuses.
  4. Select the status to change to.
  5. Click on Change.


The Products - Add/Edit menu allows you to post items that are available for purchase.

To Add a New Product

  1. Click Products - Add/Edit.
  2. Enter Product Title.
  3. Enter an optional Item # or SKU.
  4. Enter an optional Product Description.
  5. The Price for 1 is required.
  6. Use the Price for > 1 field if there is a discount when a certain quantity is purchased.
  7. If the quantity is limited, use the Quantity Avail field to enter the limit.
  8. Enter an optional Cost of Product to note the internal cost for reporting purposes.
  9. A product image can be uploaded using the Browse button.
  10. Enter an optional Image Caption.
  11. Email Orders To - enter in one or multiple email addresses for order notification.
  12. Click Continue.
  13. Check off the category the product should be associated with.
  14. Click Save.

To Find/Edit Existing Product

  1. Click Products - Add/Edit.
  2. Click Find/Edit Product.
  3. Use search fields or click Find to view all products.
  4. Click on the blue link to the product you wish to view or edit.

Show All Products provides a quick way to view all products in the system.

Download Products

  1. Click Products - Add/Edit.
  2. Click Download Products.
  3. Use the Specific Category drop-down menu to select All Products or one category.
  4. Click Download button.
  5. Copy and paste the information in the textbox into a new excel spreadsheet.



Districts and schools can display menus in a convenient, user-friendly calendar format. Any type of menu can be created - breakfast, lunch or snack - for each building location. The menus display in a similar format as the district/school calendar.

Add a Menu:

No Weekends:

Saturdays and Sundays can be hidden from view on the front-end calendar. 

Daily Defaults:

Daily Defaults will allow you to set daily default menu items that can be copied to each month's lunch menu.
Copy Menu:

Allows you to copy one month's menu to another month.


To edit a Menu:

To delete a Menu:


Parents, students and staff all want to know what's for lunch each day in the school cafeteria. Therefore, one of the most heavily trafficked areas is the Lunch Menu.

Our Lunch Menu module allows Food Service to easily set up breakfast or lunch menus for each building.  The menus are organized by categories. You can create as many categories as needed. 

Link to specific menus

Goto pages can be created to specific menus by referencing the ID number. When you click on Menu Categories, the ID number displays to the left of the category.

To reference a particular menu category, create a goto page with a URL of lunch_menus.cfm?mycat=1  - the ID number will be the mycat=number.

For example, if your category is ID 4, then the URL would be lunch_menus.cfm?mycat=4

Message Boards


The incorporation of an online discussion board serves as the ideal method to encourage and facilitate communication and resource sharing.


Questions, answers and resource materials can be shared on a variety of subjects. Each of the postings is dated and time-stamped and includes the name and contact information of the person beginning the topic or responding. 

The name of your Message Board will serve as the starting point for your topics and discussions. Once added, you will then add categories and topics from which visitors will be able to have discussions.

To Add a Message Board:

Step 1

Step 2

You can create unlimited categories under each board. For instance, the main board is titled English Department, a category could be General Discussions.

Step 3

Unlimited topics can be added to each category.

Members Tab - if Staff Members have opted-in to the board, you can view them by clicking on the Members tab.

Admin Tab - Additional moderators can be added via the Admin tab.

Delete Tab - deletes the entire Message Board. Select the Yes radio button and hit Save.


To edit a Message Board:

To delete a posting to a particular topic:

When adding or editing a topic within the Message Board module, you can choose to hide emails on the front end. This will provide a level of security for your students.

To delete an entire board and all its threads:



MobileView allows users to easily browse your site on devices such as iPhone, Android OS, Blackberry, and several other mobile browsers. MobileView brings in important News, Calendar events, and Contact information. If you utilize the Sports calendar, sporting events are available to visitors via the Upcoming Events button.

To set up MobileView:

To Upload a Logo:
To Activate MobileView:
To Set an Application Icon:



Add a News Item:


To edit a News Item:

To delete a News item:


RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication (or Rich Site Summary). RSS provides a way for websites to let people receive automatic summaries of new content that has been posted. This is called an RSS feed and is posted online as a text file in a format called XML.

Website RSS is available (newinfo.cfm) also and pulls in pages, news, calendar, filing cabinet and job posting updates. The updates only show if they will be happening within the next 30 days. Uupdates are pulled to the newinfo.cfm page every six hours; around 6 am, noon, 6 pm and midnight. If a site admin makes an update at 8 am, it will not appear until noon. Please contact the Support team to activate.


Sort News allows you to sort the order of the news items on the front end of the site.

  • Click on Sort News.
  • Enter the order you wish the news items to display to the left of the category name.*
  • Click Save.

*The system accepts a numerical range of 1.1 to 1.9.


If you have additional locations, click on the name hyperlink under the news title. News items for that particular location will display and can easily be sorted.

Policy Now


The Policy Now Module makes your policy manual easy to navigate, simple to update, and readily accessible. It helps to ease the paper burden and reduces the related costs of maintaining a paper system.

Navigation is simplified with the dynamic table of contents and keyword search option. This tool also sets up policy information in a printable format. Administrators can easily update the policy information with one click.

To add a new board policy:


To edit a board policy:

To cross reference policies:


Policy Now is organized by the policy series.

To setup the Policy Series:



The Poll module provides a great way to solicit public opinion, post a fun trivia question or have visitors vote between different options. Only one response per computer (browser specific) is accepted so that one visitor doesn't respond multiple times at a given time. This is based on a session variable so once the session has expired, a visitor can come back and submit the poll response again.

When activated, a Take My Poll icon will display on the homepage of the website.

To Add a Poll:


To Edit a Poll:

Please note that if more than one poll is active, the system will randomly select one to display each time a visitor views the site.

Quick Information




Quick Links appear on the Home page of your site for quick, easy access to the most popular areas.


Internal URLs do not need the full http://www address; you only need to copy in the folder name. For instance, a quick link to the filing cabinet would be documents.cfm. External links need the full URL http:// address.


Changing Quick Links:

 Sorting Quick Links:

Please note: If you would like more Quick Links fields added to the site, select the checkbox 'If you need more quick links...' and hit Save.  System will add 2 more fields upon each save.


The Information Alert System allows you to add a graphic to the home page for emergency closings, weather delays, important information, etc. You can select from the supplied bank of graphics or upload your own. The graphic will display on the homepage and visitors will click on it to access the information.

To Add a New Alert:

Special Note:  There is no need to return to the website to edit an Information Alert if the appropriate Off Site Date & Time is selected when the alert is added.

To Edit an Existing Alert:

To Sort Alerts:

To Re-enable an Old Alert:

Special Note:  You can pre-populate alerts with a special graphic and details to quickly post as needed in the future (e.g. 2 Hour Delay or Snow Day messages). After the alert is used the first time, you can access it in the future via the old alerts link.



The home page banner module allows you to put a graphic on your home page and link it to a URL. It is a nice solution for placing banners to social networking sites, ENews sign up, Kindergarten registrations, etc.

The placement of the banners depends on your design template. A bank of default graphics is available for you use or you can upload your own custom graphic.

Add a home page banner:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link in the admin area.
  2. Title - Enter in a Title for the home page banner (optional). This will not display on the front end but will help in organizing/editing the banner in the admin area.
  3. Link to URL - Enter in a URL for the banner to link to. Note: this can link to an internal page or an external website.
  4. Image - Choose from one of the default banner choices by clicking on 'Use this link to add a Default Banner' link or upload your own image by clicking the Browse button. Please note the recommended sizing listed above the field.
  5. Start/Stop Showing - Use the Start Showing and Stop Showing fields to determine when it will be accessible. The Stop Showing field is optional.
  6. Click Save
  7. Banner Locations - upon hitting save, you can select which location(s) the home page banner applies to, if applicable.
  8. Hit Save.

Edit a home page banner:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link in the admin area.
  2. Click on the link - edit existing.
  3. Select the edit link under the banner you would like to edit. 
  4. Make your edits. 
  5. Hit Save.

To sort home page banners:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link.
  2. Select the sort existing link. 
  3. In the sort column, enter the number of the order you wish the home page banners to display. Entering in 0 for all will sort alphabetically. Integers can be entered such as 1.1 or 3.1.
  4. Hit Sort when finished.

To delete a home page banner:

  1. Click on the Home Page Banners link in the admin area.
  2. Click on the link - edit existing.
  3. Select the edit link under the banner you would like to delete. 
  4. Select the checkbox next to Delete Banner. 
  5. Hit Delete.
  6. Please note: deleted banners cannot be recovered.



When creating a subpage, you have the ability to pull from a bank of random images that will appear in the graphic headers and rotate with each refresh.

To Add Random Page Images:

NOTE: If you want to add more images, check the Check to add even more and then click SaveThe first set of 5 images will be added and another page with 5 blank image text fields will appear. Follow the steps to add more images. There is no limit to the number of images you can add.


To edit/delete the images:

Site Content


With the additional modules (the standard modules like calendar, lunch menu, jobs, news etc.), we give administrators the ability to add text and images at the top and sometimes below the module page. 

When you click on Site Paragraphs, you'll see gray text under the page name. It gives a brief description as to its purpose. The Page On Site column links to the front end of the module and the goto address.

To add or edit a site paragraph:

To delete paragraph text:

To create a link to a module:

Grouping of site paragraphs - groupings of site paragraphs can be created for better organization. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Edit Group Categories. Enter in the group name in the textbox and hit Save.

ADDING VIDEOS Adding Videos through the Insert Media Icon

To add videos from an outside source like YouTube, TeacherTube, or SchoolTube, copy the embed code provided and follow the instructions below.

To embed a video on a typical page:

To edit a video:

Depending on your browser, you may be able to select the embedded video and click on the Insert Media icon to edit the video. In many browsers, you will need to delete the video and re-add using the Insert Media icon.

To delete a video:

Because of the different ways to embed videos and the browser combinations you may be using, please try one of the following methods to delete a video. 


There are two different types of pages that can be added:


  1. Typical Page - This type of pages allows you to add your own content including text, images, files and links.
  2. GoTo Page - This type of page allows you to link over to another existing page - be it an internal webpage, module, or external site.

Adding Text to your Webpages:

Note: You can mass activate or hide a section of subpages. This option will display for sections with 3+ subpages below the Update button. Use the Select All link to change all subpages to Show on Site and use the Deselect All button to change them to Do Not Show on Site.   

With the new In-Line Editor, authorized users will always be just a click away from adding content using the same powerful editing experience offered in the administration area. Authorized users will be able to edit rich content right from the front end of the website, allowing users to see how the content will look before it goes live.

To Set Up In-Line Editing:
Front-End Editor:
Editing a Page using the In-Line Editor:


The system will make a copy of any image you upload off your desktop and add it to the server - that's why it's important to upload files and images via the Browse button and not drag and drop. There are a few different options for adding pictures to a webpage: 

1. Images on Page:  The Page Photo is a picture that displays alongside the text on the page.  There are two options for placing photos on the page.  The photo can be lined up on the right-hand side of the webpage or it can be centered in rows below the copy.  You can upload one or two at a time or you can click on the Add Zip File link to upload up to 45 images at once.

Add New Images:

Note:  If you add 5 or more images to a page, a slideshow feature will appear on the front end once an image is clicked on.

Edit Images:

2. Headline Image is meant for single images that are centered above the title of the page. Good size parameters for headline images: 500 pixels wide by 80 pixels high.

Adding a Headline Image:

 Tip: This process is the same as adding an attachment to an email.

3. Clip Art - the system has royalty-free clip art graphics for you to use. The icons will appear in the upper right corner of the webpages. For more flexibility in the placement of the icon, click on the Page Info tab and add the clip art via the Image Gallery.

Add Clip Art:

4. Slideshows - slideshows added via the Slideshow module can be referenced on any typical page.


Attaching a File to a Webpage:


Files can be any type of attachment and cover a variety of formats. (Note: Do not upload executables). Files can be PowerPoint presentations (.ppt) , Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf), Video presentations (.avi), or Music files (.wav or .mid). It can be any type of information that you would like parents and students to find on your website – newsletters, worksheets, permission slips, handbooks, dress code, discipline procedures, classroom policies, song recordings, pictures of student artwork. 

Site contributors also have access to any file added to the filing cabinet to reference on their webpage. Each user has the ability to add an unlimited number of files to each webpage they create.

 To attach a file:

To attach multiple files at once:


To reference a file on a page:

Files can be referenced on a page from the filing cabinet. When the file is updated in the filing cabinet, the system will also update it where ever it's referenced on a page.

To remove a referenced file from a page, click on the Referenced link, deselect the checkbox and hit Save.


Visitor Uploads - this area allows you to accept files from the public.

Note:  You can select the On Site checkbox in the Current Visitor Uploaded Files section if you wish to display a visitor file on the page it was uploaded to.


Q: I copied and pasted content onto the page and the format is all askew or I've reached the 64,000 per page character limit. 

A: If you copy and paste content from Microsoft Word or another program, either paste the content into Notepad first and then into the page text area OR paste into the page text area and click on the Remove Microsoft Word Formatting button (located on the 1st row of the RTE toolbar). This will remove any bad HTML coding that is causing issues with the editor.

Q: I uploaded an image and it's not displaying properly.

A: Check to make sure there are no spaces or symbols (* for example) in the file name. These can sometimes affect the image upload process. For example, a good image file name would be fieldtrip.jpg 

You should also make sure that the image is in RGB format (NOT CMYK).

Q: I tried uploading an image to the Image Gallery and am receiving an error message Error - Process Aborting Your file is too big.

A: If you're trying to upload an image directly off of a digital camera, it's probably over the 2.5 MB size limit. Use a photo editor such as Photoshop or Kodak Easyshare to size the image down before trying to upload to the Image Gallery.

Q: I embedded a hyperlink and it's displaying a Page-Not-Found message.

A: If linking to an external page, check to make sure http:// is included at the beginning of the URL. For example, as opposed to


The following document will take you through the new toolbar and specifically how each icon functions. Many of the icons are similar to the previous toolbar, but have additional new features. 




Styles Dropdown

The Styles dropdown allows you to use predefined formatting to stylize your text. To use, select your text, click on the Styles dropdown, and select the appropriate style. 







Format Dropdown

The Format dropdown allows you to use predefined formatting to stylize the paragraph format. This allows you to keep the text size throughout your site uniform. To use, select your text, click on the format drop down, and select the appropriate style. 







Font Dropdown

The font dropdown allows you to change the font used for your text. To change the text, highlight your text, select the font dropdown, and click on the appropriate font. 

By default, the font will be Verdana.




Font Size Dropdown

The font size dropdown allows you to change the font size used for your text. To change the text, highlight your text, select the size dropdown, and click on the appropriate font size. 

By default, the font size will be 14.






The B icon allows you to bold your text. To use, highlight your text and select the bold icon.



The I icon allows you to Italicize your text. To use, highlight your text and select the italicize icon. 



The U icon allows you to underline your text. To use, highlight your text and select the underline icon. 



The strikethrough icon allows you to strike the text through (horizontal line through text). To use, highlight your text and select the strikethrough icon. 


Subscript and Superscript

 The subscript and superscript icons allow you to add your text as a subscript (slightly smaller and set below surrounding text) or superscript (slightly smaller and set above surrounding text). To use, highlight your text and select the subscript or superscript icon. 


Remove Formatting

The Remove Formatting icon will strip all text formatting, leaving you with just text. To use, highlight the text and select the remove formatting icon. 


Text Color

The text color icon allows you to change the color of your text. To use, highlight your text and select one of the predefined colors. For more color options, select More Colors. 





Once More Colors is selected, you can select a color or enter a hex code (hex code must start with #). 







Background Color

The background color icon allows you to change the text background color. To use, highlight your text, select background color icon, and select a color. You can select more colors for more color options.





Numbered List

 The number list icon allows you to create an organized list using numbers. To create a numbered list, click on the numbered list icon and type your text, selecting enter on your keyboard for the next number. You can also highlight text that is already on your page and click on the numbered list icon.

 Once you have your numbered list, you can right click within your list to change the numbered list properties. The properties will allow you to change the start number and the list type.

Each layer of a list can use a different list type so you can use both numbers and letters for example. 





Bulleted List

The bulleted list icon allows you to create an organized list using shapes as the marker instead of numbers. To create a bulleted list, click on the bulleted list icon and type your text, selecting enter on your keyboard for the next line. You can also highlight text that is already on your page and click on the bulleted list icon. 



Once you have your bulleted list, you can right click within your list to change the bulleted list properties. The properties will allow you to change the shape of the bullets. 







Decrease and Increase Indent

The increase indent icon allows you to indent your text on the page. The decrease indent icon will move your text to the left one tab length. To use, highlight your text and select the icon. You can also place your cursor before or after your text and select the icon. 


Block Quote

The block quote icon allows you to distinguish a piece of text by having it indented from the left and right. To use, highlight your text and select the block quote icon or select the block quote icon and enter text. 



The alignment icons (left, center, right, and justified) allow you to change the placement of the text. To use, highlight your text and select the appropriate alignment icon. 



The source icon allows you to see the HTML of your page. The source icon replaces the HTML tab that was previously at the bottom of a page. 




Similar to the templates drop down in the old toolbar, the templates icon allows you to use a predefined page structure for creating content. To use, select the templates icon, click on the template to use, and begin entering your text. 



The cut icon allows you to remove text from the page. To use, highlight the text and select the cut icon. You can also highlight the text, right click, and select cut. 



The copy icon allows you to copy a piece of text. To use, highlight the text and select the copy icon. You can also highlight the text, right click, and select copy. 



The paste icon allows you to paste text from an outside source onto the page. To use, place your cursor where you would like the text to display and select the paste icon. Depending on your security settings, you may need to paste the text into the paste window first. You can also right click on the page and select paste. 


Paste as Code

The paste as code icon replaces the insert media icon from the old toolbar and allows you to enter embed code on your page (from YouTube, SchoolTube, Voki, etc.). To use, place your cursor where you would like your widget/video/etc. to display, select the paste as code icon, enter the code, and click ok. 


Paste as Plain Text

The paste as plain text icon will allow you to paste in text without preserving any formatting. To use, place your cursor where you would like the text to display, click on the paste as plain text icon, paste the text in, and click on ok. 



Paste from Word

The paste from word icon will allow you to paste text from Word and keep basic formatting. To use, place your cursor where you would like the text to display, click on the paste from word icon, paste in the text, and click ok. 



The undo icon allows you to remove the last change on the page. 




The redo icon allows you to add the change back to the page that was previously removed with the undo icon. 



 The find icon allows you to locate a specific word or phrase within the page. 


Match case: Allows the search to be case sensitive (uppercase and lowercase will matter).

Match whole word: Will only find the entire word. For example, if searching for test the results will not include the word testing.

Match cyclic: Will allow the search to go through the entire page and not stop at the bottom of the page. 










The replace icon allows you to search for a word and replace it with another word. 



To use, enter the word to find in the find what field and enter the word to replace it with in the Replace with field. Select Replace or Replace all. 








Select All

The select all icon selects all of the content on a page, allowing you to change all of the font, size, etc. 




The hyperlink icon allows you to add a link to a piece of text. To use, highlight the text you would like to link and click on the hyperlink icon.



Select the link type:

URL: creates a link to a web address

Link to anchor in the text: creates a link to an anchor you have previously created on the page.

Email: creates a link to an email address.

Protocol: this allows you to change the beginning portion of the link, for example http:// or https://




The target tab allows you to determine how the link opens.

Not Set: link opens in the same browser window or tab.

Popup Window: link opens in a popup window that overlays the page. If you select Popup Window you can set parameters for the window.

New Window: link opens in a new tab.



The advanced tab allows you to enter the link title, which will display when users hover over the link. 








Remove Hyperlink

The unlink icon removes a hyperlink. To use, highlight the hyperlink and click on the unlink icon. 




The anchor icon allows you to put a marker within your text that you can link to. 


To add an anchor, place your cursor where you would like to add the anchor. Click on the anchor icon and enter the anchor name. An icon will be added to your page (only visible in the admin area). 


To link to an anchor, highlight the text you would like to link and select the hyperlink icon. Change the Link Type drop down to Link to anchor in the text and select the correct anchor from the anchor name drop down.

To remove an anchor, right click on the anchor icon within your text and select remove anchor.











Image Gallery

The image gallery allows you to add images directly to your page. To add, place your cursor where you would like the image to display and click on the Image Gallery icon. 


Embed PDF

The embed PDF icon allows you to add a PDF directly to your page so visitors can see the PDF on the page without having to click to open a file. To use, place your cursor where you would like the PDF to display, click on the embed PDF icon, paste in the PDF URL (upload to the Filing Cabinet first), update the height, and click on OK. 


Insert Table

The table icon allows you to add a table to your page. To use, place your cursor where you would like the table to display and click on the table icon. Enter the number of rows and columns. Instead of the additional icons for table editing, you can now right click on the table for table properties.

 Rows – number of rows in the table

Columns – number of columns in the table

Headers – Can apply header formatting (centered and bold to specific rows

Border Size – thickness of table borders, 0 will remove lines

Alignment – changes the alignment of the table on the page

Width – changes the width of the table

Height – changes the height of the table

Cell Spacing – changes the space between individual cells

Cell padding – changes the space between the cell border and the contents

Caption – title of table, displays above the table
Summary – provides screen readers with a summary of the table





Cell Options

To retrieve this menu, right click within a table cell and hover over Cell.

Insert Cell Before – adds a new cell before the cell you have selected

Insert Cell After – adds a new cell after the cell you have selected

Delete Cells – deletes the cell you have selected

Merge Cells – merges the cells you have selected into one cell

Merge Right – merges the cell you have selected with the cell to the right

Merge Down – merges the cell you have selected with the cell below

Split Cell Horizontally – splits the cell you have selected in two, adding a cell to the right

Split Cell Vertically – splits the cell you have selected in two, adding a cell below

Cell Properties – Opens Cell Properties window



Cell Properties

 Width – changes the width of the cell

Height – changes the height of the cell

Cell Type – changes a cell from a header to a normal data cell

Word Wrap – turns word wrap on for the cell

Rows Span – changes the number of rows the cell covers. Enter number of rows the cell should stretch over.

Columns Span – changes the number of columns the cell covers. Enter number of column the cell should stretch to.

Horizontal Alignment – changes alignment for cell

Vertical Alignment – change the vertical alignment for cell

Background Color – changes the color of cell background

Border Color – changes the color of the cell border



Table Row Options

To retrieve this menu, right click within your table and hover over Row.

Insert Row Before – adds a new row above the row you have selected

Insert Row After – adds a new row below the row you have selected

Delete Rows – removes the row(s) you have selected


Table Column Options

To retrieve this menu, right click within your table and hover over Column.

Insert Column Before – adds a new column to the left of your selected column

Inserts Column After – adds a new column to the right of your selected column

Delete Columns – removes the column(s) you have selected



Insert Horizontal Line

The horizontal line icon allows you to enter a horizontal line to your page, spanning from one side of the page to the other. To use, place your cursor where you would like the line to display and select the Horizontal line icon. 



The smiley icon allows you to add emoticons to your page. To use, place your cursor where you would like the emoticon to display, select the smiley icon, and select the graphic to add. 


Insert Special Character

The insert special character icon allows you to add a character to your page that is not part of your keyboard. To use, place your cursor where you would like the character to display, select the insert special character icon, and click on the character to add. 




The Maximize icon allows you to expand the page content area so it takes up your whole screen. 










This product allows you to setup and maintain your own set of 8 main navigational buttons. It's important to give some thought to your main navigation structure as it is one of the first features visitors will see on the homepage and aids with navigation throughout the website.

Once the main navigation buttons are setup, you can proceed with adding as many subpages as you'd like below each section. The Adding Webpages help section reviews adding subpages.

Note- Due to the number of problems we were getting from people using javascript or bad HTML in the navigation and page titles, we encoded all HTML and javascript in those fields. So HTML is no longer allowed in the navigation title.

With the new In-Line Editor, authorized users will always be just a click away from adding content using the same powerful editing experience offered in the administration area. Authorized users will be able to edit rich content right from the front end of the website, allowing users to see how the content will look before it goes live. For more information on the In-Line Editor, please review the Adding Webpages Help Section.


Related Links - This section will list all the existing related links on the district/school sites that were added via the Links tab on a typical page. It will check their status; verifying that the URL is still live and responding. As the links are verified, there will be a status next to each link. If necessary, you will be able to edit the link from the appropriate edit link.

Since each link needs to be verified by accessing the site - this may take up to three minutes to return results. There is a five second timeout period set for each link (if site does not respond within five seconds, the next link is checked).



The Slideshow feature can showcase photos from any event, project or classroom activity. You can upload up to 99 images, categorize them and display them in an attractive "slideshow viewer" or thumbnail format.

To Add a New Slideshow:

To Link to an Existing Slideshow:


To Edit a Slideshow:

To Delete a Slideshow:

To Expire a Slideshow:
  • Click on Edit Slideshow.
  • Select the expire link to the right of the slideshow title. 
  • Once a slideshow has been expired, you will need to click on the Show Inactive link to access the slideshow.


The Slideshow module is organized by categories.

To add a Slideshow Category:

Please note:  You cannot delete a category if it is being used. To delete a category, you must first delete the slideshows associated with it.



The Spotlight feature is a great way to highlight special events, student successes or important district news stories. It is a feature that can be included on custom sites or specific pre-designed templates.

To add a Spotlight story:


To edit a Spotlight Story:

To delete a Spotlight Story:

Staff Directory


Our Staff Directory gives site visitors the ability to search all staff members by first name, last name, location, subject area, grade level, department and/or position. The information is readily accessible; eliminating the cumbersome search through long lists of staff names.

Adding Staff Members:

If the staff member has a TeacherSite, the system will automatically tie it to the staff account. It will be displayed on front end for visitors.

If you do not want the email addresses for staff to appear on front end, please contact support. Email addresses can also be obfuscated on the front end.


Adding Departments

Removing Departments

Note: Please be sure there aren't any staff members attached to your Department before deleting, otherwise it will not allow you to delete the department.


Editing Staff Members:

Note: Under Edit Staff Member, the field for Current Status is determined by the expiration date field. If an expiration date is entered for a staff member, their status will be inactive.

Edit Staff Member defaults to displaying active staff members so the inactive members can be filtered out yet still be maintained in the system.

Download Data:

Email Staff Members:


To add Staff Grades:

 Special Note:  When a change is made to the Staff Grades, it is immediately available for selection for new staff entries or existing staff entries.


The Staff Passwords area manages the TeacherSites and Intranet passwords for staff. It is the same password for both modules.

Assigning Staff Member Passwords:

Note:  At the bottom of the form, there are links for setting default passwords and emailing all staff at once. A message can be entered for the email communication. Hit Save.


Staff Directory

There are three sections that work together to make up each entry on the Staff Directory – staff positions, staff grades and staff subjects. Each of these lists can be maintained within the website admin in conjunction with changes/additions to each individual staff member.


Maintaining Staff Positions:

Special Note:  When a change is made to the Staff Positions, it is immediately available for selection for new staff entries or existing staff entries.


Maintaining Staff Subjects:

Special Note:  When a change is made to the Staff Subjects, it is immediately available for selection for new staff entries or existing staff entries.


Setting Up TeacherSites Accounts:

  1. Under Staff Members, click on TeacherSites.
  2. Click on the letter of the staff member's last name or search by any part of their name in the provided fields. Hit Find.
  3. Once you locate the teacher, make sure the word NONE is in the website column.
  4. Click on the hyperlink of their name.
  5. Directory Name and Password: The system will automatically assign a directory name and temporary password. Teachers can update the password once they login.
  6. Show on Classroom Pages - Yes/No determines if the site will display on the front end of classroompages.cfm. Teachers can also set this once their site is ready for public viewing.
  7. Choose the page identity and page design.
  8. Select the checkbox to notify staff member of account and login info.
  9. Hit Save.

Saving creates a directory on the server for the teacher's content and becomes part of the teacher's URL. For example, Mark Beehler.

The default directory for Mark Beehler would be mbeehler. The URL of his classroom website would be:

When the teacher is ready for their site to go live, they or the district administrator should set 'Show on Classroom Pages' to Yes.

Note: To mass-change TeacherSites to show or not show on classroompages.cfm as well as the staff directory page use the "On Classroom Pages - Click to change" link in the TeacherSites section. This can be changed per Location (if applicable) or for the entire district (via the Change ALL STAFF option).  

Changing TeacherSites Ownership - Webmasters have the ability to reassign a staff member's TeacherSite to a new teacher. For example, one teacher retires and the new teacher would like to continue using the existing account.

  1. Make sure the new staff member has been added to the staff directory and does not currently have a TeacherSite assigned.
  2. Search for current teacher via TeacherSites link.
  3. Click on blue name - edit link.
  4. Click the TRANSFER SITE link.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Use the drop-down menu to select the name of the new staff member who should have rights to the account. 
  7. Enter in the confirmation number and click Confirmed.

Note: It is a good idea to change the password on the site and send an email to the new staff member with their access. You can also update the directory for the site if the new teacher would like it to use his/her name.

Restoring Deleted TeacherSites - Webmasters have the ability to restore a deleted TeacherSite within a 30-day window. When deleting TeacherSites accounts, it is a best practice to not delete the staff account right away but to expire the account in case the TS needs to be restored.

  1. Under Staff Members, click on TeacherSites.
  2. Search for the staff member that needs his/her site restored.
  3. Select the Please click here to begin the process of restoring this website link. 
  4. Select Next.
  5. Click on Recover Site.

TeacherSites Stats - This area displays the number of TeacherSites and last login information broken down by location. The link for Login < 30 Days, < 5 Logins will display all of those teachers that have logged in less than five times in the last 30 days.

This report can be filtered by Location by using the Location Filter drop down. There is also a link for TeacherSite Visits and Blog Usage. This displays the top 100 total number of visits to a given teacher's website for the selected month. Clicking on a teacher's name will then break down that particular teacher's visits per month for the given year (unique visitors). If you would prefer to view the TeacherSite Visits for a specific date range (the year for example), select the Would you rather use a Date Range instead? link at the top of the page. Enter in the date range (month and year only) and select Show.

Template Choices - This area will give you control over the template selection for teachers. If there are designs that shouldn't be available to teachers because of district policy or union contracts, you can select the checkbox of the design to 'hide' and hit Save. The design(s) will no longer be available for selection.

Combined Calendar Option (Webmasters Only) -

When teachers start using their calendars for classroom events and homework, some families can benefit from having one combined calendar so they can see all events (from multiple teachers) on one screen. By default, this is turned on for everyone. As a Webmaster, you can also decide to turn this feature off, if necessary. Simply select No to turn off and hit Save.



This area maintains your personal password and email address for login purposes to the admin area. If you'reusing the LDAP module, you may not be able to update this information.

To change your password:

To change email address:

Web Master Admins Only


Meta Tags

When an individual visits Google, Bing, or Yahoo to find a website, they must first enter their search criteria. Then, the search engine sends out robots to search for sites with those meta tags.

The meta tags are keywords which search engines look for to find and index your site. It is important to capture all of the words that pertain to your website. Therefore, if someone is searching for your website, it is likely it will come up in their search.

Also, it's best to concentrate on the text of your pages. The search engines will index and give weight to the actual text on all the pages of your site; the meta tags are something of an old-school way of thinking and some engines may ignore them altogether these days. The robots.txt file is still considered useful and most engines will spider this page as a beginning point so the words and description entered in the Change Meta Tags area will in fact be considered.

It may take up to a month for the meta tags to propagate throughout the search engines.

Facebook Information

To make your site more Facebook friendly, enter in a title for your title, description of your site, and an image. To upload and image, select Browse, and select the image. This information will display when you post a link to your site on Facebook.


This area details all the deletion records broken out by module in a monthly format. While you cannot recover the deleted records, there is a time and date stamp of the admin who deleted the records.

HOME PAGE ITEMS The Home Page Items area allows you to control the number of news, calendar, home page banners, etc. display on your home page. 

  • Calendar Items - Controls the number of Upcoming Events that display on the home page. 
  • Calendar Location Specific Events - Select "Yes" if you would like your school home pages to only display school calendar events. Events set to All Locations would only display on the full calendar. This is only available if you have multiple schools or locations. 
  • News Items - Controls the number of News items that display on the home page. 
  • Spotlights - Controls the number of Spotlight stories that display on the home page. 
  • Banner Items - Controls the number of home page banners that display on the home page.
  • News Placement - Provides flexibility to move the news module so it displays in a different column. This feature is only available on newer templates. 
  • Calendar Placement - Provides flexibility to move the Upcoming Events so it displays in a different column. This feature is only available on newer templates. 
  • Header Fonts - Controls the font used for the header titles (News, Upcoming Events, etc.). This feature is only available on newer templates. 
  • Weather Info - Adds a weather widget to the home page.


The public website features video gives an overview of what visitors will see when viewing the website.

Website RSS is available (newinfo.cfm) and pulls in pages, news, calendar, filing cabinet and job posting updates. The updates only show if they will be happening within the next 30 days.  Also, updates are pulled to the newinfo.cfm page every six hours.  That would be around 6 am, noon, 6 pm and midnight.  If a site admin makes an update at 8 am, it will not appear until noon. Contact support to activate.


This area details the information that has been searched on your website and breaks it down by month and year. Visitors enter in a keyword via the Search field on the front end of the site.

This information will be helpful in making sure the most frequented areas are easily accessible to your visitors either by a Quick Link, news item or main nav button. 


This area allows a Webmaster the ability to see what changes to Site Content, News, Calendar and filing Cabinet have been made as well as who made the changes and when. There is also an option to view the changes and edit them, if necessary.

Content History Changes

Lost content can be recovered in this area by clicking on the Content History Changes link. To search for a page, click in the Search by Title field (top left corner) and type in the page name or part of the page name. Click on the view link next the page needing recovery, select the two page versions you wish to compare and click on Compare. The page differences will be highlighted in yellow. To overwrite the current content with saved content, select the checkbox Overwrite Current Content With This Saved Content and hit Overwrite.  If you know the page version you wish to look at, choose the version by clicking on the details link and select the checkbox Overwrite Current Content With This Saved Content and hit Overwrite. If you know the subpage ID number or page title, you can easily search for the page via the Find by ID search box located at the bottom of the page.

Please note: the system will only recover content, not files or links added to the previous version.

To view content changes that a specific Admin made, use the Search by Person drop down to select the admin.


This area details the site content, calendar, booklist, web links and poll updates teachers have made to their classroom sites. Choose the Today or Month, year and module, hit Show. You can select a specific teacher via the All Websites drop down menu.

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