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Staff Directory


Our Staff Directory gives site visitors the ability to search all staff members by first name, last name, location, subject area, grade level, department and/or position. The information is readily accessible; eliminating the cumbersome search through long lists of staff names.

Adding Staff Members:

If the staff member has a TeacherSite, the system will automatically tie it to the staff account. It will be displayed on front end for visitors.

If you do not want the email addresses for staff to appear on front end, please contact support. Email addresses can also be obfuscated on the front end.


Adding Departments

Removing Departments

Note: Please be sure there aren't any staff members attached to your Department before deleting, otherwise it will not allow you to delete the department.


Editing Staff Members:

Note: Under Edit Staff Member, the field for Current Status is determined by the expiration date field. If an expiration date is entered for a staff member, their status will be inactive.

Edit Staff Member defaults to displaying active staff members so the inactive members can be filtered out yet still be maintained in the system.

Download Data:

Email Staff Members:


To add Staff Grades:

 Special Note:  When a change is made to the Staff Grades, it is immediately available for selection for new staff entries or existing staff entries.


The Staff Passwords area manages the TeacherSites and Intranet passwords for staff. It is the same password for both modules.

Assigning Staff Member Passwords:

Note:  At the bottom of the form, there are links for setting default passwords and emailing all staff at once. A message can be entered for the email communication. Hit Save.


Staff Directory

There are three sections that work together to make up each entry on the Staff Directory – staff positions, staff grades and staff subjects. Each of these lists can be maintained within the website admin in conjunction with changes/additions to each individual staff member.


Maintaining Staff Positions:

Special Note:  When a change is made to the Staff Positions, it is immediately available for selection for new staff entries or existing staff entries.


Maintaining Staff Subjects:

Special Note:  When a change is made to the Staff Subjects, it is immediately available for selection for new staff entries or existing staff entries.


Setting Up TeacherSites Accounts:

  1. Under Staff Members, click on TeacherSites.
  2. Click on the letter of the staff member's last name or search by any part of their name in the provided fields. Hit Find.
  3. Once you locate the teacher, make sure the word NONE is in the website column.
  4. Click on the hyperlink of their name.
  5. Directory Name and Password: The system will automatically assign a directory name and temporary password. Teachers can update the password once they login.
  6. Show on Classroom Pages - Yes/No determines if the site will display on the front end of classroompages.cfm. Teachers can also set this once their site is ready for public viewing.
  7. Choose the page identity and page design.
  8. Select the checkbox to notify staff member of account and login info.
  9. Hit Save.

Saving creates a directory on the server for the teacher's content and becomes part of the teacher's URL. For example, Mark Beehler.

The default directory for Mark Beehler would be mbeehler. The URL of his classroom website would be:

When the teacher is ready for their site to go live, they or the district administrator should set 'Show on Classroom Pages' to Yes.

Note: To mass-change TeacherSites to show or not show on classroompages.cfm as well as the staff directory page use the "On Classroom Pages - Click to change" link in the TeacherSites section. This can be changed per Location (if applicable) or for the entire district (via the Change ALL STAFF option).  

Changing TeacherSites Ownership - Webmasters have the ability to reassign a staff member's TeacherSite to a new teacher. For example, one teacher retires and the new teacher would like to continue using the existing account.

  1. Make sure the new staff member has been added to the staff directory and does not currently have a TeacherSite assigned.
  2. Search for current teacher via TeacherSites link.
  3. Click on blue name - edit link.
  4. Click the TRANSFER SITE link.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Use the drop-down menu to select the name of the new staff member who should have rights to the account. 
  7. Enter in the confirmation number and click Confirmed.

Note: It is a good idea to change the password on the site and send an email to the new staff member with their access. You can also update the directory for the site if the new teacher would like it to use his/her name.

Restoring Deleted TeacherSites - Webmasters have the ability to restore a deleted TeacherSite within a 30-day window. When deleting TeacherSites accounts, it is a best practice to not delete the staff account right away but to expire the account in case the TS needs to be restored.

  1. Under Staff Members, click on TeacherSites.
  2. Search for the staff member that needs his/her site restored.
  3. Select the Please click here to begin the process of restoring this website link. 
  4. Select Next.
  5. Click on Recover Site.

TeacherSites Stats - This area displays the number of TeacherSites and last login information broken down by location. The link for Login < 30 Days, < 5 Logins will display all of those teachers that have logged in less than five times in the last 30 days.

This report can be filtered by Location by using the Location Filter drop down. There is also a link for TeacherSite Visits and Blog Usage. This displays the top 100 total number of visits to a given teacher's website for the selected month. Clicking on a teacher's name will then break down that particular teacher's visits per month for the given year (unique visitors). If you would prefer to view the TeacherSite Visits for a specific date range (the year for example), select the Would you rather use a Date Range instead? link at the top of the page. Enter in the date range (month and year only) and select Show.

Template Choices - This area will give you control over the template selection for teachers. If there are designs that shouldn't be available to teachers because of district policy or union contracts, you can select the checkbox of the design to 'hide' and hit Save. The design(s) will no longer be available for selection.

Combined Calendar Option (Webmasters Only) -

When teachers start using their calendars for classroom events and homework, some families can benefit from having one combined calendar so they can see all events (from multiple teachers) on one screen. By default, this is turned on for everyone. As a Webmaster, you can also decide to turn this feature off, if necessary. Simply select No to turn off and hit Save.

  1. Add Staff Member
  2. Departments
  3. Edit Staff Member
  4. Staff Grades
  5. Staff Passwords
  6. Staff Positions
  7. Staff Subjects
  8. TeacherSites
  9. Show All

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