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Facilities Manager


Once the structure for the facility category and type is setup, you'll want to add the facilities.

 To Add a Facility:


Facility usage requests can be made in the admin area, in the EduCenter or on the public site. Please inform support which areas should display the request form.

Add Facility Usage via admin area:


To Edit a Facility:

You can also edit the Hours of Operation for all, one or multiple facilities in this area.

  • Click on the hrs (Hours of Operation) link, enter in the open and closed dates and times, hit Save.
  • To enter in district-wide facility closings or multiple facility closings, click on Edit Facility then on Maintain Facility-Wide or Category-Wide Closing Dates link.

To Delete a Facility:


Edit Facility Usage:


The Facilities Manager module organizes every aspect of your facility rentals including prioritizing usage and creating automated responses for reminder notes, rules, and room capacity. It also has the functionality to position your school as a community resource by allowing the public to request, reserve, and pay for facility-related rentals online.

The first step is to setup the Facility Categories and Facility Types.

Facility Categories:

Site Paragraphs:

There are 4 site paragraphs for the Facilities Management module:

  1. Facility Group Registration displays on the group registration page.
  2. Facility Request Intro displays on the first screen for facility requests.
  3. Facility Review Info is the screen when staff review their usage request before clicking on Request Facility for final submission.
  4. Facility Successful Request is the screen that displays when a facility request was successful.


Facility Groups - this area will allow you to add outside groups who request and utilize the facilities. Insurance information can be added; notifying you of expirations and denying them the ability to make requests.

To setup the Facility Groups:

To edit a Facility Group:


Facility Usage

To view a facility usage report:

  1. Add Facility
  2. Add Facility Usage
  3. Edit Facility
  4. Edit Facility Usage
  5. Facility Categories
  6. Facility Groups
  7. Facility Usage
  8. Show All

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